Three first-aid kits


Your gift’s making sure animals’ injuries are treated quickly!

In many countries, the horses, donkeys and mules who work in extreme conditions face injuries on a daily basis. Each kit includes a clean towel, bandages, rounded scissors and other items needed to treat wounds and injuries. Your gift means more animals can now be given emergency first-aid treatment by their owners as soon as an injury occurs.

Your gift will include: a gift certificate, a gift card to put it in (pictured) and an envelope, making it easy for you to send this thoughtful gift to your loved one.

This gift belongs to the Networks of Protection category.

Please note: If you select a Brooke shop virtual gift and choose the postal option, we are unable to add a personalised message. Please send any postal gifts to yourself, to enable you to add your message and then pass on to the recipient. 

Alternatively, you can select the online e-card option, where you can personalise your message and send it directly to your recipient.

Product code: VG24_2

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related tags ["Donkey","Horse","Mule","October 2023","Virtual gift"]